From best-selling author David Andrew Wiebe.
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The Music Entrepreneur Companion Guide: Secrets to Making it in the New Music Business
Companion to the best-selling The Music Entrepreneur Code, The Music Entrepreneur Companion Guide is the go-to resource for musicians navigating the constantly shifting and always turbulent skies of the music industry.
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The Original Best-Seller
The New Music Industry: Adapting, Growing, and Thriving in The Information Age
"David Andrew Wiebe is the king of internet music marketing and, most importantly, social networking platforms. To me if he hasn't written about it in this excellent book, it's close to useless or not in existence." – Scott Kirby, CEO & Founder, Music Revolt
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The Code Breakers
The Music Entrepreneur Code – 2022 Edition
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The Music Entrepreneur Code
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The Essential Guides
Handbooks for the modern creative.
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The Essential Guide to Creative Entrepreneurship
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The Essential Guide to Music Entrepreneurship
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